A gift idea for Christmas

Une idée de cadeau pour Noël

Christmas is coming...

Some of you live for it. Decorations, cookies, advent calendars, plaid, fireplaces, Christmas movies and Christmas markets are all part of your daily life as Christmas Lovers. I admit I'm one of them.

Others want nothing more than to see all this irritating staging disappear. But whether you're in the first or the second group, chances are the "find Christmas presents" line is on your to-do list right now.

We're clearly not specialists in the field, but we'd like to give you some hoppy ideas.

Our gift ideas to put under the tree

1. A WhiteFrontier discovery pack

What better way to introduce a loved one to fresh, Swiss craft beers? There are two ways of doing this: we offer packs of 12 where you can select the beers of your choice by 3 on our eshop here. If you'd like more diversity (12 different beers), you can get it at our Taproom in Martigny.


Pack découverte de Noel

2. Can glasses

They're pretty, they're sturdy and they come in packs of 6. It's a gift that's sure to please.

Verre canette whitefrontier

3. Ireland's Call 12-pack

Here's the perfect beer for Christmas. If you've got a Guinness fan in your circle, then this 12-pack of Whitefrontier stouts is for him.

Ireland's call

4. A WhiteFrontier sweater

They're beautiful, they're soft, they're fresh :)

Here's our Whitefrontier merch range designed by artist Adrien Beaujeant.

Sweat Whitfrontier

5. The timeless gift card

At least you can't go wrong. This gift card is valid on all products in our shop. Would you prefer a visit, beers, glasses or a beerclub? She or he will choose :)

Carte cadeau whitefrontier

6. A BeerClub subscription

Here's the perfect gift for the "beergeek", the beer fans who can't get enough of what's new...


7. A visit to the brewery

What if instead of giving a physical gift, you gave an experience? A brewery tour is top a family or group of friends.

Visite de la brasserie

8. A Barrel Aged discovery pack

Beers aged in oak barrels, surprising and powerful. Discover our Barrel Aged range.

Bières barrel aged

Our ideas for holiday entertainment

There are lots of ideas for entertaining and keeping guests busy during the Christmas holidays. There's the famous secret santa, quizzes, board games and so on.

But here's a different kind of entertainment.

Blind beer tasting.

Why not take a tour of your local breweries and ask their advice on buying some surprising beers. You can then get the description of the beer from the brewery's website and make a small document with 5 or 6 descriptions. Give this document to your guests. Then, you serve each beer in turn in glasses, without showing the beer in question, and your guests have to find out which description it corresponds to. You can even give the winner a pack of the same beers.

Our food and beer pairing suggestions for the festive season

Can you put beer on a beautiful Christmas table?

Yes, yes and yes again. Beer goes perfectly with food. And since the theme is Christmas, I'm here to help.

1. The starter - Oysters

I recommend a stout. Beware of preconceived ideas: it's far too heavy, it'll completely drown out the flavor of the oysters, but nonsense. If you choose a light stout, like Whitefrontier's Ireland's Call which is only 4.5%, you'll be surprised by this delicious combination. The roasted, toasted character of this beer sublimates the salinity of the oyster.

2. The starter - Smoked salmon

With smoked salmon, I recommend a white beer. The sweetness of the wheat sublimates the salmon and its lemony taste. Why not Pillows?

3. The main course - Beef Wellington

Next with your main course, often a fine meat. I love Beef Wellington, you know what it is, perfectly cooked beef surrounded by a beautiful puff pastry and between the pastry and the meat, a mushroom stuffing, hmm a real treat. I recommend an amber beer with a woody taste. Whitefrontier's Log-out and Live will be magical.

4. The cheese - Truffle Fondue

Ah, my favorite part, the cheese. Well, that's a bit more complicated, as each cheese has its own beer. So let's skip the French-style cheese platter, as we can write about that in a separate article. For a truffle fondue, I'd choose a Belgian-style beer, a blond that's full-bodied and tasty, but neither too bitter nor too aromatic. Why not L'échappée from the Rouvinez family?

5. Dessert - Chocolate vanilla pear log.

For me, there's nothing better than finishing with a touch of chocolate. But after that, you can do as you please. I'd go for a chocolate, pear and vanilla log. To match it, I recommend gose or sour beers. Whitefrontier's Le Menu beer, brewed in collaboration with the chefs at Les Touristes restaurant in Martigny. It's a sour with Valais pear and yarrow. The bubbles are fine, with good acidity. The pear adds a delicious cider or perry flavour.

And that's it, you're all set for a Christmas Eve that breaks the mould. I hope the winemakers won't take offense.


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